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Flouride Treatments Specialist

RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry located in Rye, NY

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends children get fluoride treatments to lower their risk of tooth decay. Deborah Troy, DDS, and Charles Yau, DDS, of RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry in Downtown Rye, New York, offer different types of fluoride treatments to fit your child's needs. To strengthen and protect your child's oral health, call the office or book an appointment online today.

Flouride Treatments Q & A

What is a fluoride treatment?

Your pediatric dentist applies a fluoride treatment to your child's teeth during their regular dental cleaning. Fluoride treatments strengthen their enamel and lower their risk of cavities.

Fluoride is a natural-occurring mineral that bonds with the surface of the tooth, creating a barrier against acid and bacteria that can cause tooth decay. The AAPD recommends all children under 14 years old get fluoride treatments every six months. 

When used along with sealants, fluoride can help decrease the prevalence of cavities by up to 95%.

Fluoride treatment in teens/adults

Fluoride treaments can be beneficial for older patients/teens, especially if they have cetain conditions or risk factors: 

  • Dry mouth: A common side effect of some medications and healthcare conditions, dry mouth can increase the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Gum disease: Receding gums can expose more of your teeth to bacteria, which can lead to cavities 
  • History of tooth decay: If you've had cavities in the past, you might benefit from additional fluoride.
  • Braces, Crowns, or Maryland bridges: These can increase the risk of cavities, especially around brackets or where the crown meets the tooth. 
  • Chemotherapy or radiotherapy patients: These groups may also benefit from fluoride treatments. 


  • Poor oral hygiene: If you don't practice good oral hygiene, fluoride treatments can help protect the teeth from demineralization which can lead to decay. . 

    The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that adults receive a fluoride treatment every 3, 6, or 12 months, depending on their oral health and risk of cavitiies.

What are the different types of fluoride treatments?

RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry offers two types of fluoride treatments: varnish and foam. Each has its benefits, and both are safe and effective ways to protect your child's oral health.

Fluoride varnish

The dental team applies fluoride varnish by using a small dental brush. The brush allows the provider to place the fluoride treatment directly where it is needed. Varnish hardens quickly.

Fluoride foam

The dental team applies fluoride foam using a tray that fits over your child's teeth. The foam contacts and bonds with all of their teeth at once, making application quick and easy. The dental team may recommend different treatments based on your child’s dental history, age, or oral health.

When can my child eat or drink after a fluoride treatment?

Each type of fluoride treatment has specific instructions for when your child can eat or drink following the application. You should help your child follow these guidelines to ensure the fluoride treatment is effective and long-lasting.

The varnish fluoride (which is recommended because it is more effective) has a waiting time of 4-6 hours before eating anything hard, crunchy or sticky that would remove it from the tooth surface. Your child can eat soft foods and drink cold drinks immediately after the treatment. For the foam application, the child should not eat or drink for at least 30 minutes after treatment.

Using toothpaste with fluoride can help prolong your child’s fluoride treatment's effectiveness and help protect your child's teeth in the long term. Don't allow your child to swallow fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash, as they can reach toxic levels of fluoride if swallowed.

To schedule your child's fluoride treatment, call or book an appointment online with RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry today.