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Pulpotomy Specialist

RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry located in Rye, NY

Missing teeth due to decay can cause significant problems as your child gets older. A pulpotomy can help save your child’s tooth and avoid extraction and potential issues later. Deborah Troy, DDS, and Charles Yau, DDS, of RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry in Downtown Rye, New York, offer quality pulpotomies for baby and adult teeth. To see how a pulpotomy can protect your child’s oral health, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Pulpotomy Q & A

What is a pulpotomy?

A pulpotomy, commonly called a baby root canal, is a dental procedure that treats severe tooth decay. Pulp is deep inside the tooth and includes blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. When advanced decay or cavities affect the pulp of the tooth, removal of the infected material and placement of a medicated filling can prevent tooth loss. A pulpotomy is a last-ditch effort to preserve your child’s tooth.

Unlike an adult root canal, a pulpotomy protects the nerve within the root of the tooth. Maintaining the vital root tissue helps the tooth remain in place, avoiding shifting or the need for more extensive dental work to preserve the integrity of your child's bite.

The RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry team uses products that make dental procedures like pulpotomies safer, less invasive, more comfortable, and more efficient. Some of these products include the Ivory® ReLeaf™ system to prevent splatter and help with safe suctioning and the DryShield® system, which allows your child to relax and not have to hold their mouth open.

They also offer Oraverse™ to help decrease the time your child is numb after their pulpotomy.

Why does my child need a pulpotomy?

Tooth loss related to severe tooth decay can cause significant problems for your child's oral health. When decay is extensive, it can impact surrounding teeth, bone, and the whole body. Often, severe cavities can lead to the need to extract a tooth to protect the bone and surrounding teeth.

Tooth loss can lead to issues such as:

  • Misalignment
  • Jaw problems
  • Speaking or eating issues
  • Crooked teeth
  • Self-esteem problems

More extensive dental work is often necessary after an extraction, like space maintainers or a bridge. Because of this, it is important to try to avoid extraction whenever possible. A pulpotomy allows the dental team to remove the infected part of the tooth while maintaining the tooth’s integrity, avoiding more problems down the road.

What does a pulpotomy entail?

When your child arrives for their pulpotomy, the dental team may offer sedation dentistry options for your child's comfort and relaxation during the procedure. Once they are relaxed or sedated, depending on their needs, the dental team numbs the area around the infected tooth.

A pulpotomy requires local anesthesia and an isolated working field. The dentist drills a  hole into the top of the tooth and then removes the cavity and pulp. They clean the inside of the tooth to ensure no infection is left and fill the space with a medicated filling. The team will then place either a large filling or crown over the top of the tooth to protect and permanently seal it. They give detailed instructions about how to care for your child after their pulpotomy.

If you feel your child may be nervous or become uncomfortable for such a procedure, the dentists at RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry can discuss with you the use of nitrous oxide or sedation dentistry.

If you would like to discuss a pulpotomy with the dental team, call RyeSmiles Pediatric Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.